Names. You can love your name or hate it. You can have a long name, short name, have a middle name or no middle name. It could be double barrelled, single barrelled, unique or traditional. My full name is Lucinda, but I’ve always been a Lucy. I have two middle names, one inspired by my Mum’s maiden name. For the first six weeks of my life, I was simply Baby Sunshine. But my parents almost opted for a completely different name. Delia.

Delia Smith is the celebrity chef who, it wouldn’t be unfair to say, has changed the way the British cook. Spanning four decades now, Delia has
“informed, entertained and educated” with her shows, books and articles. She’s targeted every aspect of cooking: having Summer and Winter recipe collections, creating her back-to-basics How to Cook series teaching
everyone everything and her controversial How to Cheat series using pre-peeled garlic and frozen mash. When she used cranberries in an episode of her show, they sold out across the UK. Gelatin in many supermarkets here are sold in the quantity you need for a Delia chocolate cake. See the power of this woman? This is why I wonder, if I had been called Delia, what would life be like?

Imagine trying to become a footballer when your name was John Beckham. It would be impossible for me to “make it big” in the food world if my parents had eventually plumped for Delia. Anytime the name’s mentioned, Delia Smith would enter peoples minds. I’m happy I’m Lucy, and I’m especially happy that Delia makes such gorgeous food. This is her chocolate log recipe, and this post is my Ode to Delia.
I’ve been meaning to make a chocolate roll for a while but the truth is that it scared me. I had visions of a gorgeous log becoming a regular sponge cake as it totally snapped in two. But, with Delia, I knew I was in safe hands. And I was right! Cracking doesn’t actually really matter in chocolate rolls – cake wasn’t meant to roll after all and the cracks (I think) just makes it look even more delicious. Delia’s recipe is a fat-free chocolate cake, layered with chocolate mousse and whipped cream. Not an everyday pud – but gorgeous! Perfect for a treat, all rich and dark and, yes, squidgy. Don’t delay
making it, and discovering the true joys of Delia!
First of all I really really like the name Lucy.I like Lucinda too..:) It's a name that befriends Lucy is..Not and friendly.
Your early days name is cute too..I enjoyed reading about Delia..kind of an Oprah power but in Cooking:)
I too fretted at my first log and was riveted when I saw the flat cake turn out to be the perfect roll.
Amazing.. like yours is..I think yours is better..chocolate..
Great job Lucy..Have a wonderful day~
Lucinda is a nice name and so is Lucy...
A delightful log!
this looks amazing! i like your name.. my second name is Niamh and no one pronounces it the right way (something like Niiv).
Delicious, melt in your mouth chocolate cake! Tempting ... tempting....
Lucy if I ever have twin girls I want to name them Lilly and Lucy. Lucy is such a cute and lovely name that represents a gorgeous girl like you :) And this post is written in such a great tone. You're the best Leslie!!
A delightful chocolate log.
Lucinda is a lovely name :)
Ahhh Lucy, you are the sweetest! I always love reading your blog :)
I was lucky enough to discover Delia's cooking show showing on daytime tv, once when I was off sick for a week, and I thoroughly enjoyed watching her show, and somewhat awkward way she talked to the camera.
Every single thing she cooked looked SO delicious though, as does your chocolate roll!
Haha my niece is Lucy and she's also a beautiful ray of sunshine. Still, I think you could easily have been a Delia!!!
PS Here's a little challenge for you:
This recipe looks like a fun adventure to make!
Lucy is a great name (every Lucy I've ever know has been so happy and sweet)! :) Your chocolate roll looks so favorite part is the white cream!
The cracks do make it look more delicious, as does the cream oozing out of the cake!
I was tempted by the squidgy chocolate log from the Delia tv show recently too!
I loved reading your post. I never knew Delia had so much sway in England. :) Your Squidgy Chocolate Log looks delicious.
who doesn't love a good chocolate log like this!! I've heard of Delia, but haven't tried any of her recipes. I feel the need to get in on it!
I've wanted to make a chocolate roll or vanilla roll cake, but like you, I'm afraid of the cracking!
I used to not like my name. I thought it was kinda boring 'Victoria'. But I guess it;s good that it can be vic, or vicky. Least it's not something really bizarre. Lucy is sweet and simple, and no one will ever pronounce it wrongly! :) Love the squidgy chocolate rolll, Mine always ends up a little flat-ish but who care? It's yum! :)
Your log looks delicious. I'm not familiar with Delia, but I will look her up. You got me all intrigued about her. Have a wonderful weekend!
Ooh chocolate log! Is it Christmas again already?
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